How Four Questions Can Help You Find Your Reason for Being || Ikigai

How Four Questions can help you Find Your Reason for Being
ikigai || Nashville therapist

What kind of life do you want?

It is really easy to name what you *should* want in your life, but more often I hear women unable to name what they actually want. One helpful practice that could help you become more intentional with the life you desire is finding your ikigai.

What is your reason for being? Ikigai, the Japanese concept that asks just that.

Your ikigai, your reason for being, is the intersection of your passion, mission, vocation, and profession.
Asking these four questions and see how you can combine them is one way to help you intentionally craft the life you want.

What do I love?
What does the world need?
What can I be paid for?
What am I good at?

Rob Bell Ikigai Quote

Take your time and answer these questions.

If you are feeling stuck ask a love one, mentor, or co-worker how they would answer those questions.

Your answer in your twenties may look different then when you come back to these questions in your thirties… and that just means you a growing.

Rob Bell writes, “your ikigai is a work in progress because you are a work in progress. Knowing your ikigai, then, takes patience and insight, and courage, and honesty.”

Patience. Insight. Courage. Honesty. This is important work.

You may be feeling stuck or are about to enter into a new life transition and are feeling the full body overwhelm. Put your feet on the ground and take three slow easy breaths. Let these questions guide you. Give your self permission to craft a beautiful life that only you can live. Let the world be changed because of YOUR reason for being.