Self-Care Saturday: Time In and Time Off

Time is precious. Time is a gift. Time goes fast. Every day we choose how to spend our time. Maybe you choose to wake up early to watch the sunrise. Or maybe you are like me and choose to hit snooze until the alarm breaks. We all make choices with our time, so what choices are you making? Each week the self-care experiments offered are intended to help you make better choices with your time. Here are two more for you to consider this week. 

Take Time Off

People joke about taking a “mental health” day off from work. The level of workplace stress continues to rise for a majority of Americans. Employees report that stress is impacting them both inside and outside of the office due to issues like relationship struggles and increased workload. 

One recent internal review of a large corporation reported that employees who use more vacation days receive more positive performance reviews. This report is another reminder that self-care can strengthen your abilities at work. 

When we take time off we are creating healthy boundaries and a better work/life balance. This balancing act is not easy, though. Taking time for ourselves only seems to ignite those loud, negative voices many of us hear. “If I am not there it won’t get done right?” “What if they realize they can do it better without me?” When we never take a break from work then we can never do our best work. 

So when is your next day off? How might an extra few hours away from work improve your work? Grab a calendar and write it down (in pen!) so you will get some time off soon. Enjoy!

Schedule Time with Marble Jar Friends 

In Daring Greatly,  Brené Brown shares a story about her daughter, Ellen. In Ellen’s third grade classroom, the teacher has a marble jar. When the class makes good choices, then the teacher adds a marble to the jar. When the class makes inappropriate choices, then the teacher removes a marble. Once the “good decision” jar is full the class would celebrate (insert ice cream here). 

That same year Ellen experienced a hurtful experience with her friends. So her mom ended up trying to explain relationships to her daughter. Brené says, “I told Ellen to think about her friendship as marble jars. Whenever someone supports you, or is kind to you, or sticks up for you, or honors what you share with them as private, you put marbles in the jar.When people are mean, or disrespectful, or share your secrets, marbles come out.” She continues, “Trust is built one marble at a time.” 

Each of us can think of friends who we trust and enjoy being around. Friends who desire for you to grow towards the healthiest version of yourself are marble jar friends. Finding time for these life-giving friendships help to create a positive relational balance in your life.  When you choose to spend time with these people, then you are making a healthy self-care decision. So pick up the phone and give that marble jar friend a call (insert ice cream here)!

If you are still overwhelmed with work stress or frustrated with non-marble jar friends, feel free to call me at (615) 979-4167 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. If you are looking for more self-care ideas, then be sure to check out previous recommendations or check back next week for other ways make different choices with your time.